HOD Message
Welcome to the site of the Electronics and Communication Engineering Department at SACET, one of the most dynamic and innovative communities of scholars and researchers in the world!
Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) is a swiftly advancing field, with new ideas emerging every other second. With technology becoming all pervasive in everyday life, opportunities for electronic engineers are endless. The ECE department prepares students for careers in this constantly evolving discipline.
This is one of the premier branches in this prestigious Institution. Many qualified and quality faculty members and studious students have always been part of us. The department provides equal opportunities to staff and students to learn and grow.
The department contributes to the three-fold mission of the Institution to produce outstanding scholars, to inculcate service mindedness and to develop their potential skills and finally transforms youngsters into marvelous citizens capable of staying at any part of the world.
We invite you to come and stroll around our premises and experience for yourself, the vibrant campus community!